This limited edition denim bag is an inspired replica of a fine cotton bag I bought in India years ago. That bag accompanied me for over 20 years, until it finally wore out. I asked my friend Chandana to recreate it in a durable, more saturated denim, she embellished it with beautiful hand stitching and here it is! -Designer, Robin Renzi
This versatile shoulder bag is made of 100% cotton denim and is entirely hand sewn in the Kantha - hand stitching technique by talented craftswomen in India. It is as much about minimizing waste globally as it is about de-cluttering our daily lives. You may find that this is the only bag you need. Fill it at market, hoist it over your shoulder for an escape, or let it hang loosely by your side cradling only the essentials of joy. With love this faithful companion is slung around your shoulder, lightening the load so you can feel like your walking on air!
The bag opening is 19" x 19" and the bottom is 19" x 9.5". It is 12" tall and has a 32" strap from left to right, the strap width is 4.25" with an inside zippered pocket and naturally folds in half when worn.